Apartment Guide

Housing Services Mid Michigan welcomes you to the latest edition of the Apartment Guide.

This guide has been compiled to assist in finding housing available in the community.

The Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) has provided an on-line rental housing search tool for the residents and prospective residents of Michigan.

MSHDA expressly disclaims all responsibility for the contents and results provided through this search. Browse their website: http://www.michiganhousinglocator.com/

Housing Services Mid Michigan is committed to providing information and referral to anyone with a need or interest. Please feel free to copy any part of, or the entire guide, for yourself or others.

Housing Services prints Weekly Housing & Employment Guides. They are updated every Monday, and available for pickup by Tuesday after 9:00am.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about this guide, or the services we provide, please contact the office.


The Staff of Housing Services Mid Michigan


A separate booklet listing area resources is available in our office.

This guide is not meant to be the end-all of apartment complexes that exist in the community.

In fact, a much more comprehensive service called the “In Touch Community Resource Database” is available on the Internet at www.referweb.net/lansing.

This can be accessed at any local library with Internet service.

During 2007, the 211 line was activated. To access this service on a normal phone, just dial 211. On a cell phone the number to dial is: Toll-Free: (866) 561-2500, TDD/TTY Accessible: (517) 789-2492.