Homeless Awareness Activities Announced
CHARLOTTE MI, November 1, 2017 – Last year, 1,853 individuals in Eaton County experienced a housing crisis. In order to raise awareness of homelessness, November 11th through November 19th has been declared as Eaton County Homeless Awareness Week by the Eaton County Commissioners. According the National Coalition Against Homelessness, this timeframe is used to educate the public about homelessness, draw attention to problems of poverty, and raise support for local programs and services.
On Tuesday, November 14, Marks Place of Eaton Rapids is donating 10% of the restaurant’s proceeds for that day’s sales to Housing Services Mid Michigan for its Homelessness Prevention programs. Also, a Prevent Holiday Homeless Campaign will be held by Housing Services Mid Michigan on “Giving Tuesday”, November 28. Donations to this fundraiser can be made on the agency’s website www.hsmidmichigan.org or by sending a check with “Holiday” in the memo to PO Box 746 Charlotte, MI. All proceeds will stay in Eaton County and will be used to prevent homeless during the upcoming holiday season.
To bring further attention to the issues surrounding homelessness and its prevention, a number of activities are planned for the region. First, the Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness is planning a “Sleep-out” where state and local government officials will be hearing from local service providers such as Housing Services Mid Michigan about rural homelessness. This event is being held at the Volunteers of America, Lansing on Wednesday, November 8 at 7:30 pm and is open to the public.
Housing Services Mid Michigan is a 501c (3) organization dedicated to serving the homeless with programs that reach into Barry, Clinton and Eaton counties. As a non-profit, donations may be tax deductible.