Supportive Housing Program


HSMM's Supportive Housing Programs provide outreach and supportive services to people who are homeless and have a documented disability. Objectives include helping participants obtain and remain in permanent housing, increase skills and/or income, and achieve greater self-determination. Housing Services has supportive housing programs in Eaton and Clinton counties.


  1. Outreach to people who are homeless and have a documented disability
  2. Supportive case management services
  3. Housing search assistance and ongoing rental assistance
  4. Connections to local resources
  5. Liaison between agencies landlord and support systems
  6. Development and actions towards their personalized independence plan

Who Qualifies

To qualify for a supportive housing program, participants  must be homeless and have a documented disability. Potential participants for supportive housing programs are identified using an assessment and screening process during regular intake appointments. When a slot becomes available, case managers use a prioritization protocol to determine who will be offered a slot.